Getting Started with ASP NET Core Razor Pages

Getting Started with ASP NET Core Razor Pages

Once completed, you can open the Bakery folder from within VS Code to see the files and folders that were created. From this tutorial, it is clear that razor pages is the default and easy-to-use framework for building server-side, dynamic, and data-driven web pages with a clear separation of concerns. The Pages folder is the default location for Razor Pages files.

Finally, I use the Material Icon Theme extension, which provides icons for files and folders in the Explorer pane. Right-click on your project root directory and then add a new class file with the name Employees.cs and then copy and paste the following code into it. Under the pages folder, there is an Edit razor page folder that is used for adding and editing existing Students. Client-side validation is needed only on this page where all the script files will be loaded. If you want client-side validation on several pages in your web application, then implement the scripts using the Layout file else implement them on the specified razor pages.

Table of contents

These are paired with Razor files and are known as PageModel files. Some Razor files have a leading underscore (_) in their file name. These files are not browsable, but they perform distinct roles as part of a Razor Pages application. You can read more about these special Razor files and their roles. But for now, the @page directive tells the host how to route page requests to Razor Pages. @page “/” marks a page as the default page (often called Index.razor).

For more in-depth knowledge on the component lifecycle, visit Microsoft’s ASP.NET Core Razor component lifecycle documentation. The important thing that Razor Pages accomplish is that they separate the view generation logic from the actual data computation or business logic. This follows the separation-of-concerns principle and keeps the application maintainable. If you need to change the UI, you can do that without modifying the business logic and vice versa.

Code Snippets

The Runtime-only installation is intended for use on machines where no development takes place. The cookie consent banner across the top of the page forms part of ASP.NET Core templates since version 2.1. It is intended to help site owners to comply with GDPR regulations introduced by the European Union in May 2018. It also helps to conform with Google’s privacy recommendations.

  • It provides the developer with full control over rendered HTML.
  • Architecturally, Razor Pages is an implementation of the MVC pattern and encourages separation of concerns.
  • The Obj folder is used to store temporary object files and other files that are used to create the final binary during the compilation process.
  • All Page Model classes derive from the PageModel base class.

The second approach is to create a corresponding class with the same name and extension of .razor.cs. This creates a partial class that is split across the Blazor component and its corresponding partial class. This makes a better separation asp net razor tutorial between the HTML and C# code, yet allows interaction between them. If your app’s UI is complex or detailed then this is a good way to keep the code readable and maintainable. All Page Model classes derive from the PageModel base class.

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